Gourmet Flavour

We focus on providing our clients only the freshest products from around the world.

Special Oils

The taste, the aroma and the natural ingredients of olive oils are kept unaltered.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of olive oil are unrivaled, and research reveals new every day.

Extraordinary Taste

We produce every day the extraordinary just-pressed organic olive oil.


What We Do

Frutado Suave

Frutado Suave

Aroma y sabor delicado, ideal para quienes gustan de un aceite de oliva suave y para aquellos que se inician en el consumo de la categoría.

Frutado Medio

Frutado Medio

Equilibrado amargor y picor en boca junto con un agradables sabor y aroma a notas verdes.

Frutado Intenso

Frutado Intenso

Sabor agradable y amargo, junto a un picor que se siente en la parte posterior de la garganta.


Our Story

The Origins
High Quality
Extra Virgin
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.


The poetry of olives for heartfelt
culinary inspiration

Our Range

Choose From Our Superb Range of Quality Oils, From Extra Virgin to Infused Oils!

Mejora el Colesterol

Permite aumentar los niveles del colesterol bueno y hace que disminuya el colesterol malo causante de las enfermedades cardiovasculares.

Oxidación del LDL

Protege contra la oxidación del LDL puesto que contiene grandes cantidades de sustancias antioxidantes.

No se degrada

No se degrada cuando se hacen frituras, porque la temperatura de ebullición es más alta que los aceites de semillas.

Vitamina A

Contiene vitamina A que ayuda al buen desarrollo de la vista, la piel y previene infecciones.

Vitamina D

Contiene vitamina D que regula la absorción del calcio en los huesos.

Vitamina K

Contiene vitamina K que ayuda a la coagulación de la sangre y genera glóbulos rojos.


New Products

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Health Benefits


Sabor Único

Aroma a frutos y sabores muy equilibrados que reflejan la frescura y la calidad del producto en su variedad de tres blends: frutado suave, medio e...


Valle Quilimarí

El único aceite de oliva extra virgen premium, a escala artesanal, que cultiva las riquezas naturales y culturales del Valle Quilimarí.


Nuestra Producción

Desde la cosecha manual de las olivas y la producción en nuestra planta con tecnología de punta, cada paso del proceso de elaboración es...



Los beneficios del aceite de oliva para su salud no tienen competencia. Las investigaciones revelan nuevos beneficios permanentemente.


Helps Fight Cancer

The elements in olive oil can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence.


Prevents Blood Clotting

Olive oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, also improve blood clotting.

Our Team

Nathan Smith
Nathan Smith
A grower
Laura Palmer
Laura Palmer
A grower
Joe Carter
Joe Carter
A grower
Melissa Cox
Melissa Cox
A grower

Tasting Experience

Passion For Quality

We love what we do and how we do! We put our care, quality and passion into
creating our extra virgin olive oil. Our passion pushes us to continually craft the
freshest extra virgin olive oil.

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Enjoy Our Lavish Olive Oils And
Balsamic Vinegars!

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